Using a TV as a Computer Monitor: Pros and Cons

September 03, 2021

Using a TV as a Computer Monitor: Pros and Cons

In today's world, people are choosing to work from home more than ever. And with that, the demand for larger computer screens has increased. Enter the TV-as-a-monitor debate. Many people are considering using their TV as a computer monitor, but is it really a good idea? Let's compare the pros and cons of using a TV as a computer monitor.

Display Size and Resolution

One of the most significant advantages of using a TV as a monitor is the size of the screen. TVs generally come in larger sizes than computer monitors. A larger screen can be very useful when it comes to productivity, gaming, or just watching movies. Plus, with the increasing popularity of 4K and 8K TVs, you can get a screen resolution four times that of a typical computer monitor.

However, bigger isn't always better. Many people use their computer for work or gaming, and a large screen may not be ideal if you sit too close to the screen. Additionally, most TVs have a lower pixel density than monitors, which means lower image quality and blurry text.

Input Lag and Refresh Rate

Input lag is the time it takes for a device to process the signal from your input device, such as a keyboard or mouse. A higher input lag can make it difficult to use the device for tasks like gaming or video editing. TVs typically have a higher input lag than computer monitors because they are not designed to handle fast-moving objects as well as monitors.

Refresh rate is another factor to consider. It refers to the number of times per second the screen refreshes the image. A higher refresh rate leads to smoother image transitions and can be invaluable for gaming or fast-paced work. TVs generally have a lower refresh rate than monitors, which isn't great if you're using the device for gaming or video editing.


Finally, cost is an important consideration. TVs tend to be less expensive than monitors of similar size and resolution. However, there can be hidden costs, such as the need for an expensive adapter or cable to connect your TV to your computer.


Overall, using a TV as a computer monitor can have its advantages and disadvantages. The larger size and higher resolution may be great for some users, but the lower pixel density and higher input lag may be deal-breakers for others. It's important to consider your specific needs before deciding whether a TV is the right choice for you.

But if you do decide to use your TV as a monitor, make sure to check the input lag and refresh rate to ensure a smooth experience. And don't forget the extra HDMI cables and adapters!


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